Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom Tooth Extraction at Melton
Why Would I Need Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Another issue with wisdom teeth is not growing in properly. In some cases, they may lay sideways and partially erupt or never erupt through the gum. This can cause an unknown source of pain that is only revealed by a dental x-ray and can also lead to future complications if left untreated. Wisdom teeth that are partially erupted are more prone to cavities and decay as food and debris become lodged in the surrounding gum.

Why Would I Need Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Since wisdom teeth grow in last and in the very back of all the other teeth, a common scenario is the mouth does not have enough room to accommodate them. This can lead to discomfort and pain not only in the area of the wisdom teeth, but throughout the jaw. If there is not enough room in your mouth, wisdom teeth can push on the surrounding teeth, which will push on the teeth next to them and so on. Not only will this cause pain, but can cause your entire set of teeth to become crooked as they are pushed out of place.
Another issue with wisdom teeth is not growing in properly. In some cases, they may lay sideways and partially erupt or never erupt through the gum. This can cause an unknown source of pain that is only revealed by a dental x-ray and can also lead to future complications if left untreated. Wisdom teeth that are partially erupted are more prone to cavities and decay as food and debris become lodged in the surrounding gum.
Symptoms of Problematic Wisdom Teeth

In some cases, a wisdom tooth may never be seen because it remains under the gum. These are known as impacted wisdom teeth and can cause problems such as jaw pain, ear pain, and crooked teeth. In some cases, the pain may be felt in the nearby molars. A full dental exam along with x-rays can help determine if wisdom teeth are impacted.
The following is a list of signs that may indicate your wisdom teeth may need to be removed:

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Age for Wisdom Teeth Removal
In general, it is best to remove wisdom teeth during the teenage years when the wisdom teeth are not fully formed. Also, teenagers and young adults will experience quicker recovery as the jawbone is not yet fully developed. And while this is the common age for wisdom tooth removal, it is not the only time it can be done.
Adults may often have wisdom teeth removed, but the procedure may be more extensive, and recovery may take longer. But with today’s dentistry advances, our team at Melton Dental House can offer our patients a host of options to make the experience as comfortable as possible, including anesthesia and sleep dentistry. The following are common reasons why wisdom teeth are removed.
Crowded teeth
Wisdom Tooth Removal
If you suspect you need your wisdom teeth removed, the first thing we will do is a full dental exam with x-rays so we can get a comprehensive view of your mouth. Once problematic wisdom teeth are identified, we will discuss the options with you about removal. Some patients prefer to use sleep dentistry and have all four wisdom teeth removed at once to avoid future problems. Others prefer a gentler approach and have one removed at a time. Your choice will most likely depend upon the level of discomfort your wisdom teeth are causing or the health of your mouth.
Once you decide to have your wisdom teeth removed, know that we do our best to keep our patients as comfortable as we work at your pace. We understand that some patients may experience fear of the dentist or treatment, and we have solutions such as:

Local anesthesia to numb the area of the extraction. Once the anesthesia takes effect, patients only experience a pulling or pushing sensation without pain. And because everyone has a different level of tolerance, your dentist will communicate with you throughout the process to ensure you remain comfortable throughout your treatment.

Sedation dentistry is an option for those who experience dental anxiety and for patients whose procedure will be longer due to placement of the teeth or other circumstances. Those who get sedation or sleep dentistry will also receive a local anesthetic, so you are comfortable.

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While we agree that you can’t put a price on good health (especially when it comes to your teeth), we understand the reality of family budgets. That’s why we offer flexible treatment options and family-affordable pricing. You might say the only thing average about Dental House is our prices.
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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Blogs
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Call Today
If you think you need your wisdom teeth removed, call today and schedule a visit with us for a comprehensive dental exam and consultation. We will do a thorough exam and discuss all dental solutions with you to help you achieve your best oral health.
Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.
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