Hi, this is Dr Fong here from the Dental House Group. With a lot of ongoing concern in the country in relations to CoViD-19 in Melbourne, I want to explain how we here at Dental House Group is responding to this situation, and ensuring the safety of our clients.
At our practice, we follow the strict guideline from the ADA, which is the Australian Dental Association. So let me take you through their guidelines to give you the peace of mind when you visit our practice.
Our reception staff will check with all patients over the phone before each appointment if they had:
– a confirmed or suspected case of CoViD-19
– a healthcare facility in China, South Korea, Italy or Iran.
If they confirm any of these criteria, then we recommend that they delay making any non-urgent dental appointments.
Please rest assured that here at Dental House, we practice the best infection control protocol, ensuring the safety of our staff and our patients.
In addition, whilst there are practises reported to have closed down temporarily due to running out of surgical masks, you can rest assured we have an abundance of stock here at Dental House.
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