How to Fix Crooked Teeth?
How to Fix Crooked Teeth?
Hi, Dr Warren here from Dental House Group. I was with our new patient Sandra from Melbourne. She has always been uncomfortable in front of the camera, and she is getting married next year. So she came to us because she wants to explore her options.
She asked me, “How can I fix my teeth, I’m embarrassed to smile in front of the camera. What can you do about it?” I know many adults also have this issue, so I thought I’ll make a quick video about it.
Braces have been around forever and if you have children, it is still the standard option of straightening your child’s teeth. They work really well and if you have a noncompliant child, it is the perfect option.
However, these days technology has improved leaps and bounds and for those who are socially conscious or those who work in a professional environment and don’t want people to judge, especially for young professional adults. We have clear aligners, and Invisalign is at the forefront of his technology.
Invisalign can straighten your teeth discreetly, you can remove them, which means you can clean and floss your teeth normally, enjoy the foods you love, and also be able to present in front of your clients confidently, or perform speeches without feeling embarrassed. However, buyers beware, there are a lot of non-dental companies out there that try to bypass dentists directly and provide clear aligners to the general public. That could be really dangerous. I’ve created another video going into more details about this. You will be able to find that episode in the shownote.
Dental Veneers or Dental Bonding
If your teeth are mildly crooked or crowded and you don’t want to go through the time and effort of putting braces on or doing Invisalign, then sometimes we can mask the condition of the teeth by putting a layer of dental material on top so that they look straight. This type of treatment can be harmful for your teeth if they are too crowded, or your teeth are too protruded. The reason is because the dentist will have to remove a lot of your teeth in order to do create the space for the veneers, and in the long term teeth can die. So please do your due diligence, get a second opinion if you have to, before commencing on a potentially very invasive treatment.
If you found this video to be useful, we have a free eBook you can download which goes into more details about Invisalign and Orthodontics, especially mistakes others have made, so you won’t make the same mistakes yourself. Just go to our website, click on the eBook, enter your email and we will send it over to you.
See you next time!
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The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional personal diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a dental or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the Site.
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